Tinnitus is the hearing of sound when no external sound is present. While often described as a ringing, it may also sound like a clicking, hiss or roaring. Rarely, unclear voices or music are heard. The sound may be soft or loud, low pitched or high pitched and appear to be coming from one ear or both. Most of the time, it comes on gradually. In some people, the sound causes depression or anxiety and can interfere with concentration. If this sounds like something you are experiencing, call Purchase Ear Technology at 270.558.3996. We can help!
6 Ways To Protect Your Hearing
Noise is one of the most common causes of hearing loss. Generally, noise induced hearing loss is also fully preventable, but not reversible. Once you’ve done the damage there is no way to get your hearing back. You only get 1 set of ears, remember to protect your hearing.
The effects of noise on hearing are often underestimated because the damage takes place so gradually. Here are 6 ways to reduce the noise in your life.
Protect your Hearing
- Limit your exposure time to noisy activities. If you must raise your voice over the noise to be heard by someone within arms reach, the noise is in the dangerous range.
- Wear hearing protection when you must be around dangerous levels of noise. This includes concerts, sporting events, motorcycles, lawn mowers, gun shots, leaf blowers, power saws and more. Foam or silicon earplugs cost less than a dollar at the drug store and they are small enough to be thrown in your purse or pocket, just in case you need to use them. If you frequently find yourself in noisy situations it would be wise to invest in higher quality ear protection whether it be earmuffs or custom-made earplugs.
- Turn down the volume. On the television, radio, stereo, iPod etc. Doctors are becoming particularly worried about children and teens that listen to their music through ear buds at top volume. They should be taught to use the 60/60 rule: limiting the use of headphones to 60 minutes at a time and at 60 percent of the devices maximum volume. If you are frequently on the subway or an airplane and find yourself turning up the volume to tune out the noise around you, you should consider investing in noise cancelling headphones. These allow you to reduce ambient noise, thereby saving your ears from painfully loud music.
- Buy quieter products. Compare dB ratings of things like hairdryers and vacuum cleaners. The smaller the dB rating the better. It is also a good idea to try and reduce the number of noisy appliances you run at the same time.
- Take breaks from the noise. –Your ears need rest. Damage occurs from listening to LOUD sounds, but also from listening to loud sounds for a LONG time.
- Get your hearing checked. Most people wait 7 to 10 years before the seek help for their hearing loss. This only ends up causing additional damage. The sooner you know what is wrong the sooner you can get it treated and get back to your life. Your hearing loss may be the result of earwax or fluid in the ear. This is easily treated and hearing restored.
Since it’s so critical to protect your hearing, make sure that your family and friends are aware of the hazards. Ready to have your hearing tested? Give us a call at Purchase Ear Technology at 270-558-3996.
Protect Your Child’s Hearing
The weather is beautiful, and it’s time for a family trip. But be aware: if your children use earbuds or earphones during travel, the sound may be loud enough to damage their hearing. It’s up to you to monitor the level of sound to which they are exposed.
Q: Aren’t children’s electronic devices regulated on the maximum volume they can produce?
A: Unfortunately, no. According to a New York Times article, no required standard “restricts the maximum sound output for listening devices or headphones” sold in the U.S. The Times cites a study that examined 30 headphones marketed to children and found that half of them failed to restrict volume to their advertised limits. Some allowed the sound to be “damagingly loud.”1
Q: Can an electronic device’s sound level injure my child permanently?
A: Hearing damage depends on sound volume and amount of exposure, so the loudness of a child’s electronic device and how many hours a day the child uses it are crucial to their hearing health. Fifty percent of children as young as 8 to 12 may listen to music daily (nearly two-thirds of teenagers do). Even if younger children aren’t listening to loud music, many noisy games are marketed to them.
Hearing damage can occur at any age, and once damaged, the delicate organs of the ear cannot regenerate.
Be sure to protect your children’s hearing. When they are older, they will be glad you did!
Noise Induced Hearing Loss
According to the World Health Organization, about 50 million people in the United States have disabling hearing loss. This includes 1 in 5 teenagers and 60% of returning veterans from foreign wars. But most noise-induced hearing loss is 100% preventable.
Prolonged exposure to any sound at or above 85 decibels can cause gradual hearing loss. This is the level of heavy city traffic or a school cafeteria. The good news is that most noise-induced hearing loss is 100% preventable. Here are three safety precautions we recommend for you and your loved ones:
- Turn down the volume. When enjoying music, be sure to keep it at a safe listening level. Listening to an iPod or iPhone at maximum volume (105 decibels) for 15 minutes is all it takes to permanently damage your hearing. If someone else can hear the music playing in your headphones, it is too loud.
- Move away from noise. The farther you are from a loud sound, the safer it is. When at a concert or other venue with amplified sound, sit far away from the speakers. If you hear an unexpected loud sound, distance yourself from it as quickly as possible. Use your hands to block the noise as you relocate.
- Use hearing protection. At loud places like concerts or sporting events or even on planes, wear earplugs or earmuffs. The simplest earplugs can be purchased inexpensively at most drug stores. Be sure to carry extras to share with family and friends.
What Is High Frequency Hearing Loss?
Although hearing loss varies by degree and type, high-frequency (or high-pitch) hearing loss is one of the most common configurations of hearing loss. Individuals with high-frequency hearing loss have difficulty understanding speech in noise, and the voices of women and children, which are higher in pitch. Individuals with high-frequency hearing loss may also have difficulty hearing birds or the doorbell. Talking to family and friends over the telephone is also more challenging with high-frequency hearing loss. If this is you or someone you know, call Purchase Ear Technology at (270) 558-3996. We can help!