5 Tips For Adjusting To New Hearing Aids

So you’ve taken the plunge and purchased hearing aids – congratulations! You are now the proud owner of some of today’s most advanced medical technology and can look forward to an improved quality of life through better hearing health! Even though today’s hearing aids are smaller and better-sounding than ever, they can still take some getting used to.

For some people, it’s easy to pop hearing aids on and go about their lives with very few adjustments; but for others, getting the settings just right takes a few visits and some patience. Either way – we’re here to help you enjoy a life full of sound!

Read on for my top 5 tips for easing into wearing hearing aids.

1. Get the right hearing aids for your hearing loss, lifestyle and budget and have them fit by a licensed hearing care professional

The most important part of acclimating to your hearing aids is making sure you are wearing the right ones for your specific needs and goals! When you visit Purchase Ear Technology in Paducah, you are given a comprehensive hearing assessment that ensures Tim Harmon and out staff fully understands your hearing and can make the right recommendation for hearing aids.

We will recommend hearing aids based on more than just your hearing loss – they also take into account your lifestyle, hobbies, social habits and budget. Purchase Ear Technology carries a wide range of hearing aids to fit your preferences and needs.

2.  Take it slow and build up to wearing your new hearing aids all day

If this is your first time wearing hearing aids, you may find it tiring or overwhelming at first – take it slow! Start your hearing journey off by wearing your devices for a few hours each day and build up to a full day’s use over a two-week period. This will keep your auditory system from becoming overwhelmed by all the new sound you will be hearing and will prevent auditory fatigue.

3.  Take notes on your listening experiences throughout your day-to-day life

As you are out and about with your new hearing aids, make notes on the listening environments that you frequent the most. How much noise are you surrounded by daily? What is your experience like with your hearing aids in these environments? How are you tolerating different sounds and soundscapes? Pay attention to any specific sounds that might not seem quite right. If after a few weeks of use you are having difficulty with certain sounds or sound situations, be sure to reach out to us and and attend your follow-up appointment so appropriate adjustments to your devices can be made.

4.  Be patient

This can sometimes be the hardest part – but give your brain the time it needs to learn to hear all life has to offer once again! The amount of time this takes is different for everyone. Depending on how long your hearing loss has been left untreated, it can take days or weeks for your brain to re-learn how to hear the sounds you have lost. Don’t get discouraged! Research shows it can take up to 6 weeks for our brains to fully adjust to hearing through hearing devices. Certain sounds, like the sound of your own voice or even your hair brushing against the back of a behind-the-ear model hearing aid, might jump out at you at first. Your brain will soon recognize these small sounds for what they are and will no longer focus on them.

5.  Commit to the process for the best results

Consistent use of your new hearing aids is the key to success! Making the commitment to wearing them is the most important thing – your hearing aids can only help you when they are in your ears! At Purchase Ear Technology, we are your teammate. Reach out to us with any questions or difficulties you have along the way. We want to work with you to help you get the most out of your devices – and your life.

We hope these tips are helpful for you as you begin your healthy hearing journey. We are excited to be part of that journey, and to offer improved quality of life through better hearing. If you have any questions, please contact us at Purchase Ear Technology at (270) 558-3296.  Our office is conveniently located at 2008 Broadway St in Paducah, KY.  At Purchase Ear Technology, you are more than a patient.  YOU ARE FAMILY!

Is There A Cure For Hearing Loss?

New cures are constantly being found. That might be a positive or a negative. You might think that you really don’t have to be very vigilant about your hearing because you read some promising research about prospective future cures for deafness. You’ll feel like they will most likely have a cure for deafness by the time you will notice any symptoms of hearing loss.

That’s not a good idea. Obviously, safeguarding your hearing now while it’s still in good shape would be the smarter choice. Scientists are making some incredible advances when it comes to treating hearing loss though, and that includes some potential cures in the future.

It isn’t any fun to lose your hearing

Hearing loss is just something that takes place. It doesn’t indicate you’re a bad person or you did something wrong or you’re being penalized. It’s just part of the aging process. But developing hearing loss has some extreme disadvantages. Your social life, overall health, and mental health can be substantially affected by hearing loss, along with your inability to hear what’s taking place around you. Neglected hearing loss can even lead to an increased risk of depression and dementia. There’s lots of evidence to connect neglected hearing loss to problems such as social isolation.

Hearing loss is, generally speaking, a degenerative and chronic condition. So, over time, it will continue to get worse and there isn’t any cure. This doesn’t apply to every type of hearing loss but we’ll get to that soon. But “no cure” isn’t the same as “no treatment”.

If you come see us, we can help slow the development of your hearing loss and protect your current levels of hearing. Often, this comes in the form of a hearing aid, which is usually the ideal treatment for most types of hearing loss. So, for most individuals, there’s no cure, but there are treatments. And your quality of life will be greatly improved by these treatments.

Hearing loss comes in two main kinds

Not all hearing loss is identical. Hearing loss comes in two principal classes. One can be cured, the other can be managed. Here’s how it breaks down:

  • Conductive hearing loss: When the ear canal gets obstructed by something, you get this form of hearing loss. It may be caused by a buildup of earwax. Maybe, an ear infection is causing swelling. When something is blocking your ear canals, whatever it might be, sound waves won’t be capable of getting to your inner ear. This form of hearing loss can certainly be cured, normally by eliminating the blockage (or treating whatever is creating the obstruction in the first place).
  • Sensorineural hearing loss: This is the more permanent form of hearing loss. There are tiny hairs in your ear (called stereocilia) that sense minute vibrations in the air. Your brain is capable of interpreting these vibrations as sound. Unfortunately, these hairs are damaged as you go through life, typically by overly loud sounds. And once they’re damaged, the hairs don’t function. And when this happens your ability to hear becomes diminished. Your body doesn’t naturally regrow these hairs and we presently have no way to heal them. Once they’re gone, they’re gone.

Treatments for sensorineural hearing loss

Just because sensorineural hearing loss is irreversible doesn’t mean it can’t be managed. The goal of any such treatment is to let you hear as much as you can given your hearing loss. Keeping you functioning as independently as possible, improving your situational awareness, and letting you hear conversations is the goal.

So, how do you deal with this form of hearing loss? Prevalent treatments include the following.

Hearing aids

Hearing aids are likely the single most prevalent means of treating hearing loss. Hearing aids can be individually calibrated to your particular hearing needs, so they’re especially useful. Using a hearing aid will allow you to better comprehend conversations and communicate with others over the course of your day to day life. Many of the symptoms of social solitude can be prevented by wearing hearing aids (and the risk of depression and dementia as a result).

There are lots of different styles of hearing aid to pick from and they have become much more common. In order to determine which model is suited to your taste and degree of hearing loss, you’ll need to come see us for a consultation.

Cochlear implants

Sometimes, it will be necessary to bypass the ears altogether if hearing loss is total. That’s what a cochlear implant does. This device is surgically inserted into the ear. This device directly transmits sound, which it has converted into electrical energy, to your cochlear nerve. This allows your brain to convert those signals into sounds.

Cochlear implants are usually used when hearing loss is complete, a condition known as deafness. So there will still be treatment solutions even if you have completely lost your hearing.

Novel advances

New novel ways of treating hearing loss are continuously being researched by scientists.

These new advances are frequently aimed at “curing” hearing loss in ways that have previously proven impossible. Here are a few of those advances:

  • Stem cell therapies: Your own stem cells are used in this type of treatment. The idea is that new stereocilia can be generated by these stem cells (those little hairs in your ears). It isn’t likely that we will have prescription gene therapy for some time, but for now, studies with animals are promising.
  • Progenitor cell activation: So, stem cells in your ear initiate the production of stereocilia. Once the stereocilia develop, the stem cells become inactive, and they are then referred to as progenitor cells. New therapies aim to reactivate these progenitor cells, stimulating them to once more create new stereocilia. Encouraging outcomes for these novel therapies have come from early human trials. There was a significant improvement, for most people, in their ability to hear and comprehend speech. It isn’t really known how long it will be before these therapies will be widely available.
  • GFI1 Protein: There’s a protein which has been discovered by researchers that is crucial for the regrowth of stereocilia. It’s hoped that by discovering this protein, researchers will get a better concept of how to get those stereocilia to start growing back. Once again, this is one of those therapies that’s more in the “drawing board” phase than the “widely available” phase.

Live in the moment – deal with your hearing loss now

There’s a great deal of promise in these innovations. But it’s worthwhile to stress that none of them are available yet. Which means that it’s wise to live in the here and now. Be proactive about safeguarding your hearing.  If you or a loved one are experiencing hearing loss, give Tim Harmon and his team at Purchase Ear Technology a call at (270) 558-3996.  We will schedule a time for you to come in for a hearing test and give you some options to help improve your hearing.  Purchase Ear Technology is conveniently located at 2008 Broadway St in Paducah, KY.  At Purchase Ear Technology, you are more than a patient.  You are FAMILY!

Below are some other posts that may be of interest to you:

Six Signs You Should Have Your Hearing Tested

Why Choose Purchase Ear Technology For Your Hearing Needs

Hear Better So You Can Age Better

Hearing Aids Paducah

5 Things That Scare People Most About Hearing Loss

Does your hearing loss ever scare you? Most of the time people accept their hearing loss, following communication best practices and self-advocacy tips to live their best life.  They feel confident and capable. But sometimes they get afraid. Like when their hearing aids are on the fritz for a few days or they have a particularly challenging communication experience.

These are the times when they might succumb to worry. What will their life be like as hearing loss worsens? How will it impact relationships? Health? Livelihood?

Here are the 5 things that scare people the most about my hearing loss:

  1. Feeling isolated and lonely: Hearing loss makes communication more difficult and exhausting, which can often lead to self-imposed isolation. If this occurs, take a break, and then force yourself to reengage. It takes work, but the rewards of intimacy and friendship are always worth the effort.
  2. Passing it on to my kids: This one won’t apply to everyone, but for some, it may. Some hearing loss is genetic. If this applies to you, simple educate your children on your condition so they know that one can thrive despite hearing loss and its challenges.
  3. Becoming irrelevant: Communicating with someone with hearing loss takes extra time and planning. Why engage with the person with hearing loss when you can contact/hire/befriend someone else more easily? Every “Never mind” and “It’s not important” supports this fear. Speaking up against this treatment is our only choice.
  4. Being unable to do things I enjoy: Hearing loss makes certain recreational activities harder. Luckily technology has made it possible to successfully attend the theater, listen to music, and watch movies, even with a hearing loss. Future advancements will only improve access to these activities and more.
  5. Ending up alone: Hearing loss is difficult for the person with the hearing loss, but it also takes a toll on family and friends. Some worry that this burden will become too much and they will be left alone. Find support in your family and friends and a network of hearing loss friends that will be with you for quite some time.

If you are experiencing hearing loss, we hope that you will contact Tim Harmon at Purchase Ear Technology.  We are here to help improve your quality of life!

Purchase Ear Technology is conveniently located at 2008 Broadway St in Paducah.  You can reach us by phone at (270) 558-3996.  At Purchase Ear Technology, you are more than a patient.  YOU ARE FAMILY!

Hearing Aids Paducah

3 Reasons To Update Your Hearing Aids

For those with hearing loss, hearing aids are the best investment you can make to improve your life. Think back to the moment your hearing aids were first fitted and recall the immediate clarity and amplification of sounds around you.

Because hearing loss is an invisible and gradual condition, many people who experience it are not aware of its presence. It is estimated that people wait an average of seven years from the time they first notice changes in their hearing until the time they decide to seek treatment. Most of us try to adapt to this new way of life – though it does bring many negative consequences to our physical and emotional health.

Even if you have treated hearing loss with hearing aids, it is important to keep in mind that hearing abilities are constantly changing. At the same time, it’s important to keep in mind that your hearing aids – though extraordinarily powerful little devices – do have a shelf life. After all, you do wear them all day!

Here are three reasons you might consider checking out a new pair of hearing aids.


Your Hearing Abilities Have Changed

In the same way one might require a higher prescription for eyeglasses, your hearing abilities may change from the first hearing exam and hearing aid fitting you received. If you find yourself constantly struggling to hear, or if sounds feel muddy and unclear, even though there does not appear to be any malfunction in your hearing aids, it may be time to update your devices. Your hearing aids are fitted to treat the precise degree and configuration of hearing loss you experience, and if sounds are less clear, then your hearing aids may no longer meet your hearing requirements.

Your Lifestyle Has Changed

Have you recently gotten a new job? Have you picked up a new activity? When you were first fitted for your hearing aids, we consulted with you about your lifestyle and your activities. The hearing aids with which you were fitted were selected and tailored to meet your personal needs and in the activities you partake throughout the day. If your lifestyle changes, you may find a need to change your hearing aids as well.

You Want Access to New Technology

Do you keep up with the latest advancements in technology? There’s no denying that it is an exciting time for hearing aid technology. So far, this year, many major hearing aid manufacturers have rolled out new and improved hearing aid models with improved wireless compatibility and rechargeable battery options that ensure confidence in your energy source as well as longer listening time.

In addition to these functions, newer hearing aid models are designed with consumer feedback in mind, thus providing wearers with even better access to speech and sound. With faster sound processing platforms and sleeker, slimmer designs, these new hearing aids provide wearers with a better listening experience than ever before.

Want to learn more about the latest offerings on the market? Give Purchase Ear Technology a call at (270) 558-3996 to check out the newest models available.  Purchase Ear Technology is conveniently located at 2008 Broadway St in Paducah.  At Purchase Ear Technology, you are more than a patient.  You are family!

Hearing Test Paducah

How Often Should You Have Your Hearing Tested?

According to the Association of Independent Hearing Healthcare Professionals, hearing test frequency should be as follows, based on age:

18 to 45 years – Every 5 years

45 to 60 years – Every 3 years

60+ years – Every 2 years

It’s imperative to start checking your hearing early in adulthood, as hearing issues can arise at any time in your life. While it’s true that most hearing loss is due to age, the advent of mp3 players and other loud devices have contributed to more hearing loss in younger people.

If you have a higher risk of hearing loss—such as working or living in a place with a lot of occupational noise—you should get your hearing tested annually. You should also get your hearing test annually if you are exposed to loud noises like motorcycles or guns on a regular basis. Your hearing test frequency is higher because you are more exposed to factors that can damage your hearing.

Ready to schedule your hearing test?  Tim Harmon and his staff at Purchase Ear Technology are ready to help you.  Give Purchase Ear Technology in Paducah a call at (270) 558-3996 or visit our office at 2008 Broadway, Paducah, KY  42001.  At Purchase Ear Technology, you are more than a patient.  YOU ARE FAMILY!

Hearing Aids Paducah

One in Four Have Unknown Hearing Loss

It’s hardly a spoiler alert to tell you the world is a noisy place. From sports venues and restaurants to cineplexes and city streets, loudness is trending. Yet, according to a 2012 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 70 percent of people exposed to loud noise “never or seldom wear hearing protection.”

And who can blame us? We (hopefully) protect our hearing if we work in a noisy environment. But who thinks to (or wants to) wear ear plugs just going about our daily lives?

Maybe we should — because the Center for Disease Control estimates that 53 percent of us with hearing damage do not have noisy jobs. In fact, according to the CDC, one in four of us, 25 percent of us, already have hearing damage and we don’t even know it yet.

Remember to always protect your hearing.  Contact us at Purchase Ear Technology to schedule a hearing test by calling (270) 558-3996 or stop by our office located at 2008 Broadway St, Paducah, KY  42001.

Hearing Health and Its Impact on Overall Well-being: What You Need to Know

At Purchase Ear Technology in Paducah, KY, we often see firsthand how addressing hearing issues can significantly enhance a person’s quality of life. Let’s explore why maintaining good hearing health is crucial not just for hearing itself, but for your overall well-being.

The Connection Between Hearing and Mental Health

It’s not just about hearing the latest hit song or catching up on your favorite podcast. Research has shown a strong link between hearing loss and mental health conditions like depression and anxiety. When hearing diminishes, it can lead to feelings of isolation, frustration, and sadness. Many people with hearing loss withdraw from social interactions because they find it challenging to follow conversations or participate in group activities. This social withdrawal can contribute to feelings of loneliness and depression.

By addressing hearing loss with appropriate hearing aids and audiological support, individuals often experience an improvement in their mental health and a more positive outlook on life. Reconnecting with friends and family, participating in social events, and engaging in daily activities become more enjoyable and less stressful.

Cognitive Function and Hearing Health

Hearing loss has also been linked to cognitive decline and an increased risk of conditions like dementia. The brain relies on auditory input to maintain cognitive functions such as memory, comprehension, and spatial awareness. When hearing is impaired, the brain’s cognitive load increases as it struggles to fill in the gaps, which can accelerate cognitive decline over time.

Studies suggest that people with untreated hearing loss are at a higher risk of cognitive issues. On the other hand, using hearing aids has been shown to help preserve cognitive function by providing the brain with the auditory information it needs to stay sharp. Regular hearing check-ups and timely intervention can make a significant difference in maintaining cognitive health.

Physical Health and Hearing Loss

You might be surprised to learn that hearing health can impact physical health as well. Untreated hearing loss can affect balance and coordination, increasing the risk of falls and related injuries. The vestibular system, which helps control balance, is closely linked to auditory functions. When hearing deteriorates, it can affect how the brain processes spatial information, leading to balance issues.

By addressing hearing loss with the right hearing aids and therapies, you can improve not just your hearing, but also your balance and overall physical stability. This can reduce the risk of falls and help you stay active and independent.

The Importance of Early Intervention

One of the most crucial aspects of managing hearing health is early intervention. The sooner you address hearing loss, the better the outcomes for your mental, cognitive, and physical well-being. Regular hearing evaluations can help catch issues early and prevent further deterioration.

At Purchase Ear Technology, we offer comprehensive hearing assessments and personalized solutions to help you maintain optimal hearing health. Whether you’re dealing with mild hearing loss or more significant issues, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Taking Action for Better Hearing Health

If you’ve noticed any changes in your hearing or if it’s been a while since your last hearing evaluation, now is the perfect time to take action. Schedule an appointment with us by calling (270) 558-3996 to discuss your concerns, explore treatment options, and learn how you can improve your hearing and overall well-being.

Remember, your hearing health is integral to your overall quality of life. By addressing hearing issues, you’re not just improving your ability to hear—you’re investing in your mental, cognitive, and physical health. At Purchase Ear Technology, you are more than a patient.  YOU ARE FAMILY!

Hearing Aids Paducah

Should You Have A Hearing Test?

Do you ever feel like the people you’re talking to are mumbling or speaking too quickly? Are you having to ask others to repeat themselves frequently? Or maybe you’re struggling to follow a conversation when there is background noise?

If so, these could be indicators that you have a hearing loss.

It’s not uncommon for friends and family members to notice we have hearing loss before we do. Most likely, it’s because we use them as a crutch to help fill in the blanks when we are missing parts of a conversation. Or they’ll recognize we’re having a hard time on the telephone. Another common issue is how loud the volume on our TVs is.

If any of this sounds familiar to you, it’s time to get your hearing checked.

How to get a hearing test

Getting a hearing test is actually very easy. There are free hearing screenings you can take online that are a good first step. With a computer and your headphones, you can find out in a matter of minutes if you have a hearing loss.

But the most for-sure way to find out if you have a hearing loss is to get your hearing tested by a licensed hearing healthcare professional like Tim Harmon at Purchase Ear Technology in Paducah, KY. They will be able to confirm not only if you have a hearing loss, but what type of loss you have and how severe it may be. They can also give you advice on options for treating it.

So, should you get a test? Well, if you answer yes to any of these questions, the answer is “YES!” and get a hearing test.

  • Do you have trouble following conversations in groups?
  • Are you having difficulty on the phone?
  • Do you think others are mumbling?
  • Do you think “I can hear, but I can’t understand”
  • Is it hard hearing in noisy environments like restaurants?
  • Have you noticed the volume of the TV or radio needs to be turned up?

Hearing is important to our health and quality of life. And with today’s advancements in hearing technology, there’s no need to struggle. So don’t wait — find out once and for all. Early detection is the key to hearing and living better!

Find out what noises you may be missing! Schedule an appointment today at Purchase Ear Technology for a hearing consultation by calling us at (270) 558-3996.  Purchase Ear Technology is conveniently located at 2008 Broadway St in Paducah, KY.  At Purchase Ear Technology, you are more than a patient.  YOU ARE FAMILY!

Hearing aids paducah

Noise Induced Hearing Loss

According to the World Health Organization, about 50 million people in the United States have disabling hearing loss. This includes 1 in 5 teenagers and 60% of returning veterans from foreign wars. But most noise-induced hearing loss is 100% preventable.

Prolonged exposure to any sound at or above 85 decibels can cause gradual hearing loss. This is the level of heavy city traffic or a school cafeteria. The good news is that most noise-induced hearing loss is 100% preventable. Here are three safety precautions we recommend for you and your loved ones:

  1. Turn down the volume.  When enjoying music, be sure to keep it at a safe listening level. Listening to an iPod or iPhone at maximum volume (105 decibels) for 15 minutes is all it takes to permanently damage your hearing. If someone else can hear the music playing in your headphones, it is too loud.
  1. Move away from noise.  The farther you are from a loud sound, the safer it is. When at a concert or other venue with amplified sound, sit far away from the speakers. If you hear an unexpected loud sound, distance yourself from it as quickly as possible. Use your hands to block the noise as you relocate.
  1. Use hearing protection.  At loud places like concerts or sporting events or even on planes, wear earplugs or earmuffs. The simplest earplugs can be purchased inexpensively at most drug stores. Be sure to carry extras to share with family and friends.

Have questions about your hearing?  Need to have a hearing test?  Give us a call at Purchase Ear Technology today at (270) 558-3996.  Purchase Ear Technology is conveniently located at 2008 Broadway St in Paducah, KY.  At Purchase Ear Technology, you are more than a patient.  YOU ARE FAMILY!

hearing aids paducah

Protect Your Child’s Hearing

The weather is beautiful, and it’s time for a family trip. But be aware: if your children use earbuds or earphones during  travel, the sound may be loud enough to damage their hearing. It’s up to you to monitor the level of sound to which they are exposed.

Q: Aren’t children’s electronic devices regulated on the maximum volume they can produce?

A: Unfortunately, no. According to a New York Times article, no required standard “restricts the maximum sound output for listening devices or headphones” sold in the U.S. The Times cites a study that examined 30 headphones marketed to children and found that half of them failed to restrict volume to their advertised limits. Some allowed the sound to be “damagingly loud.”1

Q: Can an electronic device’s sound level injure my child permanently?

A: Hearing damage depends on sound volume and amount of exposure, so the loudness of a child’s electronic device and how many hours a day the child uses it are crucial to their hearing health. Fifty percent of children as young as 8 to 12 may listen to music daily (nearly two-thirds of teenagers do). Even if younger children aren’t listening to loud music, many noisy games are marketed to them.

Hearing damage can occur at any age, and once damaged, the delicate organs of the ear cannot regenerate.

Be sure to protect your children’s hearing.  When they are older, they will be glad you did! If you have questions about hearing loss or need to schedule an appointment for a hear test, give us a call at (270) 558-3996.

Purchase Ear Technology is conveniently located at 2008 Broadway St in Paducah KY.  At Purchase Ear Technology, you are more than a patient.  YOU ARE FAMILY!