5 Tips For Adjusting To New Hearing Aids

So you’ve taken the plunge and purchased hearing aids – congratulations! You are now the proud owner of some of today’s most advanced medical technology and can look forward to an improved quality of life through better hearing health! Even though today’s hearing aids are smaller and better-sounding than ever, they can still take some getting used to.

For some people, it’s easy to pop hearing aids on and go about their lives with very few adjustments; but for others, getting the settings just right takes a few visits and some patience. Either way – we’re here to help you enjoy a life full of sound!

Read on for my top 5 tips for easing into wearing hearing aids.

1. Get the right hearing aids for your hearing loss, lifestyle and budget and have them fit by a licensed hearing care professional

The most important part of acclimating to your hearing aids is making sure you are wearing the right ones for your specific needs and goals! When you visit Purchase Ear Technology in Paducah, you are given a comprehensive hearing assessment that ensures Tim Harmon and out staff fully understands your hearing and can make the right recommendation for hearing aids.

We will recommend hearing aids based on more than just your hearing loss – they also take into account your lifestyle, hobbies, social habits and budget. Purchase Ear Technology carries a wide range of hearing aids to fit your preferences and needs.

2.  Take it slow and build up to wearing your new hearing aids all day

If this is your first time wearing hearing aids, you may find it tiring or overwhelming at first – take it slow! Start your hearing journey off by wearing your devices for a few hours each day and build up to a full day’s use over a two-week period. This will keep your auditory system from becoming overwhelmed by all the new sound you will be hearing and will prevent auditory fatigue.

3.  Take notes on your listening experiences throughout your day-to-day life

As you are out and about with your new hearing aids, make notes on the listening environments that you frequent the most. How much noise are you surrounded by daily? What is your experience like with your hearing aids in these environments? How are you tolerating different sounds and soundscapes? Pay attention to any specific sounds that might not seem quite right. If after a few weeks of use you are having difficulty with certain sounds or sound situations, be sure to reach out to us and and attend your follow-up appointment so appropriate adjustments to your devices can be made.

4.  Be patient

This can sometimes be the hardest part – but give your brain the time it needs to learn to hear all life has to offer once again! The amount of time this takes is different for everyone. Depending on how long your hearing loss has been left untreated, it can take days or weeks for your brain to re-learn how to hear the sounds you have lost. Don’t get discouraged! Research shows it can take up to 6 weeks for our brains to fully adjust to hearing through hearing devices. Certain sounds, like the sound of your own voice or even your hair brushing against the back of a behind-the-ear model hearing aid, might jump out at you at first. Your brain will soon recognize these small sounds for what they are and will no longer focus on them.

5.  Commit to the process for the best results

Consistent use of your new hearing aids is the key to success! Making the commitment to wearing them is the most important thing – your hearing aids can only help you when they are in your ears! At Purchase Ear Technology, we are your teammate. Reach out to us with any questions or difficulties you have along the way. We want to work with you to help you get the most out of your devices – and your life.

We hope these tips are helpful for you as you begin your healthy hearing journey. We are excited to be part of that journey, and to offer improved quality of life through better hearing. If you have any questions, please contact us at Purchase Ear Technology at (270) 558-3296.  Our office is conveniently located at 2008 Broadway St in Paducah, KY.  At Purchase Ear Technology, you are more than a patient.  YOU ARE FAMILY!

Is There A Cure For Hearing Loss?

New cures are constantly being found. That might be a positive or a negative. You might think that you really don’t have to be very vigilant about your hearing because you read some promising research about prospective future cures for deafness. You’ll feel like they will most likely have a cure for deafness by the time you will notice any symptoms of hearing loss.

That’s not a good idea. Obviously, safeguarding your hearing now while it’s still in good shape would be the smarter choice. Scientists are making some incredible advances when it comes to treating hearing loss though, and that includes some potential cures in the future.

It isn’t any fun to lose your hearing

Hearing loss is just something that takes place. It doesn’t indicate you’re a bad person or you did something wrong or you’re being penalized. It’s just part of the aging process. But developing hearing loss has some extreme disadvantages. Your social life, overall health, and mental health can be substantially affected by hearing loss, along with your inability to hear what’s taking place around you. Neglected hearing loss can even lead to an increased risk of depression and dementia. There’s lots of evidence to connect neglected hearing loss to problems such as social isolation.

Hearing loss is, generally speaking, a degenerative and chronic condition. So, over time, it will continue to get worse and there isn’t any cure. This doesn’t apply to every type of hearing loss but we’ll get to that soon. But “no cure” isn’t the same as “no treatment”.

If you come see us, we can help slow the development of your hearing loss and protect your current levels of hearing. Often, this comes in the form of a hearing aid, which is usually the ideal treatment for most types of hearing loss. So, for most individuals, there’s no cure, but there are treatments. And your quality of life will be greatly improved by these treatments.

Hearing loss comes in two main kinds

Not all hearing loss is identical. Hearing loss comes in two principal classes. One can be cured, the other can be managed. Here’s how it breaks down:

  • Conductive hearing loss: When the ear canal gets obstructed by something, you get this form of hearing loss. It may be caused by a buildup of earwax. Maybe, an ear infection is causing swelling. When something is blocking your ear canals, whatever it might be, sound waves won’t be capable of getting to your inner ear. This form of hearing loss can certainly be cured, normally by eliminating the blockage (or treating whatever is creating the obstruction in the first place).
  • Sensorineural hearing loss: This is the more permanent form of hearing loss. There are tiny hairs in your ear (called stereocilia) that sense minute vibrations in the air. Your brain is capable of interpreting these vibrations as sound. Unfortunately, these hairs are damaged as you go through life, typically by overly loud sounds. And once they’re damaged, the hairs don’t function. And when this happens your ability to hear becomes diminished. Your body doesn’t naturally regrow these hairs and we presently have no way to heal them. Once they’re gone, they’re gone.

Treatments for sensorineural hearing loss

Just because sensorineural hearing loss is irreversible doesn’t mean it can’t be managed. The goal of any such treatment is to let you hear as much as you can given your hearing loss. Keeping you functioning as independently as possible, improving your situational awareness, and letting you hear conversations is the goal.

So, how do you deal with this form of hearing loss? Prevalent treatments include the following.

Hearing aids

Hearing aids are likely the single most prevalent means of treating hearing loss. Hearing aids can be individually calibrated to your particular hearing needs, so they’re especially useful. Using a hearing aid will allow you to better comprehend conversations and communicate with others over the course of your day to day life. Many of the symptoms of social solitude can be prevented by wearing hearing aids (and the risk of depression and dementia as a result).

There are lots of different styles of hearing aid to pick from and they have become much more common. In order to determine which model is suited to your taste and degree of hearing loss, you’ll need to come see us for a consultation.

Cochlear implants

Sometimes, it will be necessary to bypass the ears altogether if hearing loss is total. That’s what a cochlear implant does. This device is surgically inserted into the ear. This device directly transmits sound, which it has converted into electrical energy, to your cochlear nerve. This allows your brain to convert those signals into sounds.

Cochlear implants are usually used when hearing loss is complete, a condition known as deafness. So there will still be treatment solutions even if you have completely lost your hearing.

Novel advances

New novel ways of treating hearing loss are continuously being researched by scientists.

These new advances are frequently aimed at “curing” hearing loss in ways that have previously proven impossible. Here are a few of those advances:

  • Stem cell therapies: Your own stem cells are used in this type of treatment. The idea is that new stereocilia can be generated by these stem cells (those little hairs in your ears). It isn’t likely that we will have prescription gene therapy for some time, but for now, studies with animals are promising.
  • Progenitor cell activation: So, stem cells in your ear initiate the production of stereocilia. Once the stereocilia develop, the stem cells become inactive, and they are then referred to as progenitor cells. New therapies aim to reactivate these progenitor cells, stimulating them to once more create new stereocilia. Encouraging outcomes for these novel therapies have come from early human trials. There was a significant improvement, for most people, in their ability to hear and comprehend speech. It isn’t really known how long it will be before these therapies will be widely available.
  • GFI1 Protein: There’s a protein which has been discovered by researchers that is crucial for the regrowth of stereocilia. It’s hoped that by discovering this protein, researchers will get a better concept of how to get those stereocilia to start growing back. Once again, this is one of those therapies that’s more in the “drawing board” phase than the “widely available” phase.

Live in the moment – deal with your hearing loss now

There’s a great deal of promise in these innovations. But it’s worthwhile to stress that none of them are available yet. Which means that it’s wise to live in the here and now. Be proactive about safeguarding your hearing.  If you or a loved one are experiencing hearing loss, give Tim Harmon and his team at Purchase Ear Technology a call at (270) 558-3996.  We will schedule a time for you to come in for a hearing test and give you some options to help improve your hearing.  Purchase Ear Technology is conveniently located at 2008 Broadway St in Paducah, KY.  At Purchase Ear Technology, you are more than a patient.  You are FAMILY!

Below are some other posts that may be of interest to you:

Six Signs You Should Have Your Hearing Tested

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Hear Better So You Can Age Better

New Year, New Hearing, New You

6 Tips For Hearing Better In 2023

Your world is filled with sound — sounds you don’t want to miss. There’s your grandchild’s virtual piano recital, your favorite sci-fi marathon, or a phone conversation with an old friend. As the new year nears, refresh your connections to the people and moments that matter with these six simple tips for better hearing.

1. Tap Into Technology

Today’s technology can turn any alerting sound into a visual or vibratory cue, allowing doorbells, smoke alarms, and more to alert you with flashing lights or vibrations. Smartphones can stream audio directly to hearing aids and can also caption videos or flash visual alerts for incoming calls. Another innovation: We now have hearing aid technology that can translate other languages.

2. Get in the Loop

Did you know your favorite public places — museums, theaters, churches, and more — may have a hearing loop installed around their venues, letting you receive enhanced audio by wirelessly connecting through the T-coil setting on your hearing aid? Look for the hearing-loop logo at participating sites.

3. Protect Your Assets

Some 466 million people worldwide, including 34 million children, have hearing loss, and excess noise is one of the most preventable causes. Whether you’re enjoying New Year fireworks, hunting with firearms, riding snowmobiles, or otherwise encountering loud sounds, look out for your hearing health by limiting your exposure and wearing quality hearing protection.

4. Try Captioned Calls

Trouble hearing phone conversations? You may qualify for a landline phone that shows the spoken words of the person you’re talking to. In participating states, the telephone is free if a qualified hearing care professional certifies your hearing loss and need for the phone. Plus, it works with hearing aids. All you need is a standard phone line and an internet connection. And with the associated app, you can use the service with compatible smartphones and tablets, too!

5. Work It Out

It’s no secret that obesity can put you at risk for strokes, heart disease, diabetes, and other serious health problems, but did you know it’s linked to hearing loss, too? Resolving to get even healthier and more fit in 2023 will help reduce the risk of excess weight, a problem that can tax your hearing and affect total health.

6. Schedule a Hearing Check

It’s easy to make better hearing a family affair by scheduling hearing evaluations for the whole household. How often? At least once a year, just as you would for your eyes or teeth. Staying on top of your hearing health helps catch any potential changes or problems early, which is important for overall wellness.

We’re here to help you and your loved ones hear your best!

Give us a call at (270) 558-3996 to schedule a hearing test.  Purchase Ear Technology is conveniently located at 2008 Broadway St in Paducah KY.  At Purchase Ear Technology, you are more than a patient.  YOU ARE FAMILY!

Hearing Aids & Cold Weather

When cold weather approaches, you know that it takes a bit of preparation to welcome Old Man Winter. Winter coats and boots – check. From the furnace to the fireplace, you’re ready for any Arctic blast. But there may be something you haven’t considered – what about your hearing aids and cold weather? Consider the following tips to avoid problems during winter.

Be Prepared

There are a number of things you can do to prepare for cold weather. Keep a good supply of batteries available (depending on how often you change the batteries). Cold drains battery life and sometimes your batteries run out faster. With spares you can be assured you’ll always be prepared.

Mom’s winter advice was right! Wear a hat, earmuffs or a scarf over your ears when you’re outside. It helps to keep your hearing aids dry and warm.

If you enjoy winter sports, consider the best ways to protect your units. Many people remove their hearing aids when skiing, snowmobiling, or ice skating. If you choose to remove them, be sure to store them in a safe place that keeps them warm. Avoid using your car’s glovebox or anyplace where the units are exposed to cold.

Avoid Moisture

While cold temperatures can have affect the performance of your hearing aids, there’s another culprit that is not so obvious – moisture. Just as your glasses fog up when you come inside from being out in the cold, the same thing happens inside your hearing aids. That moisture can collect inside the units as well as in the battery compartment.

Once you’re inside, it’s a good idea to remove your hearing aids and wipe them down. Open the battery compartment and allow any moisture to evaporate.

As we mentioned earlier, covering your ears is a good idea when you’re outside. This also helps to wick away perspiration, especially during vigorous activities such as shoveling snow or sports. Behind-the-ear hearing aids can be protected with hearing aid sweatbands, which help absorb moisture.

If condensation in your hearing aids seems to happen often, consider investing in a hearing aid dehumidifier. Many people find it helpful to remove moisture and extend the life of your units.

Watch for Problems

As always, take good care of your hearing aids and check them often for any signs of problems. Signs of moisture exposure include weak or intermittent sound, crackling or static, or no sound at all. Often simply cleaning the units, replacing the battery, and allowing any condensation to evaporate may fix the issue. If not, feel free to contact us at Purchase Ear Technologies.

Taking just a little extra care during cold weather months should help avoid any problems with your hearing aids. Ice skating, skiing, snowball fights and other outdoor activities are the fun part of winter. Don’t let the weather get the best of you! With these tips, your hearing aids and cold weather will get along just fine.

For all of your hearing needs, give Tim Harmon at Purchase Ear Technology a call at (270) 558-3996 or stop by our office located at 2008 Broadway St in Paducah, KY.  At Purchase Ear Technology you are more than a patient.  YOU ARE FAMILY!

Hear Everything At The Christmas Dinner Table

Many of us look forward to Christmas for the chance to spend time with family and friends.  Most holiday dinners make for a noisy environment with many different conversations going on at the same time.   There is often sounds of plates being shuffled around, silverware clinging together, a kitchen fan humming in the background, and maybe some children running around the house laughing and playing.

Holiday parties with friends and family can feel overwhelming for loved ones with hearing loss. People with untreated hearing loss have reported feeling nervous to speak up in group settings out of fear that they may hear the wrong thing or not respond appropriately. Feeling lonely or isolated during a time of celebration with people you care about can make the holidays much less enjoyable. If you are concerned that you or someone at your Christmas table could be experiencing hearing loss, you may find the tips below helpful for making the most of this season.


  1. Wear your hearing aids. If you do not have hearing aids, it is recommended that you have a hearing screening by a professional and ask if they could help your hearing loss.
  2. Cut down the background noises like music, kitchen fan, or a TV.
  3. Remind your friends and family of your hearing loss so they know to speak up for you.
  4. Make sure you face people when you are speaking with them.

If you want to hear more this holiday, Purchase Ear Technology located at 2008 Broadway St in Paducah,  KY is here to help!  Give us a call at (270) 558-3996 to schedule an appointment.   At Purchase Ear Technology, Tim Harmon and his staff will make sure you know that you are more than a patient.  YOU ARE FAMILY!

6 Fun Facts About Ears and Hearing

Until you have a problem with your hearing, it’s easy to overlook it. But the world of ears and hearing is far more interesting than you might have thought.

Parrots in World War I

Parrots can pick out very subtle differences in pitch, tone, and rhythm. They’re also excellent at locating where a sound is coming from. They’re so skilled, in fact, they stole one duty from the soldiers during World War I: Parrots were kept on the Eiffel Tower in Paris to warn of approaching enemy aircraft.

Teeny Tiny Bones

The smallest bones in your body are in your middle ear. They’re called the hammer, anvil, and stirrup (or the malleus, incus, and stapes, for you science fans). They’re critical for hearing, because they help sound information get from your eardrum to your inner ear. All three can together fit on a penny!

The Curious Case of the Chorda Tympani

After ear surgery, some people experience changes in their sense of taste! A nerve called the chorda tympani connects your front taste buds to your brain. This nerve also passes very close to your eardrum. During surgery on the middle ear, one common complication is damage to the chorda tympani nerve. A taste disorder — for example, a persistent metallic taste at the tongue tip — is the most common result. Symptoms usually do subside, but it can take up to two years in severe cases.

Ears Aren’t for Everybody

Snakes pick up vibrations from the ground using their jawbones. Some spiders hear using nerve-based receptors on their legs, which pick up soundwaves and send the impulses to their brain. Male mosquitoes use feathery antennae covered in fine hair, which sense sound from vibrating air particles.

In the Loop

You have three small loops in your inner ear, above your cochlea, called semi-circular canals. They’re lined with microscopic hairs and filled with fluid. Every time your head moves, so does the fluid. The little hairs pick up on the movement and communicate it to your brain. Your brain adjusts your body accordingly to keep you balanced.

Your Ears Are Self-Cleaning

Your ear canals produce earwax on purpose! Earwax is antibacterial, and it protects and lubricates your ears. What’s more, your ear canals have a slight downward slope. Your earwax naturally travels toward your outer ear, picking up dirt and debris with it. Sure, we find it gross. But it’s essential for healthy ears!


If you are looking for someone who you can talk with about your hearing, we hope you will contact Tim Harmon at Purchase Ear Technology.  You can reach Tim by phone at (270) 558-3996 or stop by Purchase Ear Technology located at 2008 Broadway St in Paducah, KY.  At Purchase Ear Technology, you are more than a patient.  You are FAMILY!

Early Hearing Tests – 5 Reasons It Matters

Your ears play an important role in helping you to engage, listen, laugh and enjoy many things, including quality relationships with friends and family. For this reason, you must pay particular attention to them and give them the necessary care. It is noted that about 15% of American aged 18 and above have issues with hearing. This can be common in most countries as well. Thus, checking and testing your hearing capacities as early as possible is good.

The earlier you test your hearing, the earlier you detect any issues for necessary corrections. Hearing loss can cause serious problems and affect language and speech development. Therefore, carefully consider the points below to understand why you must have early hearing testing.

Improve Your Overall Health

It’s very important to cultivate the habit of an early hearing test to ensure that you are in optimum health. Various studies indicate that hearing loss is widely linked to health conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia and loss of brain tissue. Your health should be the most important thing in your life. An early hearing test keeps you aware of the above potential health conditions, so keep this in mind.

It helps you to be careful in avoiding certain activities that can lead to your experience of hearing loss. It’s always better to be aware of your health to avoid contracting a disease until it escalates. Remember that early detection of your hearing loss is better than waiting to lose your hearing. As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure.

Prevent Problems Associated With Hearing Loss

When you take an early hearing test, you can quickly identify any issue with your hearing ability. Note that the longer it takes to identify a hearing loss, the worse it becomes for you. And late detection can cause hearing to deteriorate, so keep this in mind. This, in turn, can trigger social disengagement, depression and isolation.

To be safer, visit your audiologist to be in the know as soon as possible. With the requisite knowledge and training, your audiologist will assist you in identifying any hearing loss and offer you the treatments needed.

Promote A Better Family Relationship

An early hearing test can help you to promote better family relations. Visiting an audiologist, like Tim Harmon of Purchase Ear Technology,  will help you detect potential hearing loss on time. Identifying this hearing loss will help you find the solution to your hearing loss while communicating effectively with your family. When your hearing loss is not detected on time, it becomes a struggle for the family to relate better with you as they keep shouting at a point while communicating with you.

And you may avoid talking to them due to the strain caused by the hearing loss. Many times, family members may be found arguing about the volume of the television or sometimes about who said what about something. Fortunately, you can also get hearing aids if you experience hearing loss. These devices can amplify sounds, ensuring you can effectively communicate with your family.

Prevent Further Damage To Your Auditory System

Awareness of your hearing ability helps you avoid certain activities, such as increasing the volume level of your television and frequently using the earphone, among others. Your frequent visit to the audiologist will keep you on your toe in avoiding bad habits you have adopted over the years. The advice is that you must desist from using the earphone regularly or sometimes avoid the use of earbuds as in the habits of others. Most people are likely to use their pen tops in their ears anytime the place is itching, although this is not good for hearing health.

Keep Your Ears Healthy

The crux of your early hearing test is to keep your ears healthy. Keeping a healthy ear will help you communicate effectively, share jokes and always exchange ideas. It’s very important to note that the ear is not only a place to put your glasses but a sensitive organ of the human body that performs other important functions. Having your hearing ability intact can also reduce depression, so keep this in mind. It is, therefore, imperative that you visit the audiologist regularly.

Call Purchase Ear Technology Today

There is no better time than the present to have your hearing tested.  Give us a call at Purchase Ear Technology in Paducah, KY to schedule an appointment.  You can reach us at (270) 558-3996.  Purchase Ear Technology is conveniently located at 2008 Broadway St in Paducah.  At Purchase Ear Technology, you are more than a patient.  You are FAMILY!

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Reasons People Don’t Get Their Hearing Tested

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Hearing aids Paducah Ky

When Should I Update My Hearing Aids

One of the most common questions people ask about their hearing aids is when they should update them. This seemingly simple question has a varied answer that depends on a variety of factors. Hearing aids are durable devices that are built to last for several years. But depending on a host of factors like how well you maintain your hearing aids, changing hearing needs, interest in new hearing technologies, and exposure to elements like moisture; you could benefit from updating your hearing aids.

If you are thinking about updating your hearing aids or would like to know how to approach this, we recommend starting by answering a few important questions:

  1. Are my hearing aids still working well? If your hearing aids don’t seem to be performing the way they used to, it may be time to update them. A few signs that your hearing aids aren’t working optimally include:
  • Your device powers off randomly.
  • You experience feedback noise, sounds are muffled or distorted.
  • Your batteries don’t last very long and you are replacing them frequently.
  • Sound quality is not as sharp or crisp as it was before.

These signs indicate that there is likely an internal issue that is causing these malfunctions. Hearing aids can be impacted by daily wear and tear. These devices interact with the same elements we experience: rain, humidity, earwax in the ears etc. These substances can accumulate on hearing aids which is why regular maintenance is important. Hearing aid components can become damaged, break, experience corrosion etc. If these signs seem familiar, it is important to have your hearing aid inspected by a specialist who can identify any underlying cause of your hearing aid issue and let you know if updating your device is the best course of action.

  1. Have my hearing needs changed? Your hearing needs can change over time. Hearing loss ranges from mild to severe and you can shift on this spectrum. The degree of your impairment in each ear can change which may require a new prescription. This highlights the importance of having your hearing assessed regularly so that you can track and address any changes you may experience. Your ears and the shape of them can also change in ways that may require an adjustment or updated device.
  1. Have any major lifestyle factors changed? In addition to hearing needs changing over time, evaluating if any lifestyle factors have changed is also important. Lifestyle factors inform the type of hearing aid that is optimal for your everyday life. Factors like the type of climate you live in, the environments you regularly navigate, the activities you participate in etc. help identify the type of support your hearing needs. So if you are really socially active and find yourself in social spaces often, you could benefit from hearing aids that offer background noise reduction. If your lifestyle has shifted or changed in major ways since you got your current hearing aid, it may be time to start thinking about updating your device.
  1. Am I interested in the latest hearing aid technologies? Another useful question to think about is your interest in recently developed hearing aid technologies. The hearing aid industry continues to produce cutting edge technology that stretches what hearing aids can do. In addition to these features, there are numerous technologies that enhance sound quality and connectivity that you could benefit from. This includes: health tracking features, Bluetooth connectivity, digital noise reduction, voice recognition, tinnitus management, access to virtual assistants and apps etc. These technologies allow hearing aids to easily connect with other devices and integrate into daily life.

In addition to innovative hearing aid features, there are award winning designs that offer a sleek appeal. Hearing aid options today are like wearable pieces of technology that are aesthetically pleasing.

If you have an interest in updating your hearing aid and want to see what options are available, contact Tim Harmon at Purchase Ear Technology in Paducah.  Purchase Ear Technology is conveniently located at 2800 Broadway St, Paducah, KY.  Give us a call today at (270) 558-3996 for more information or to schedule an appointment.  At Purchase Ear Technology, you are more than a patient.  YOU ARE FAMILY!

Other posts that may be of interest to you:

Choosing The Right Hearing Aids

Reasons People Don’t Get Their Hearing Tested

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Purchase Ear Technology in Paducah KY

Hear Everything At The Thanksgiving Dinner Table This Year

Many of us look forward to Thanksgiving gatherings and for the chance to spend time with family and friends.  Most Thanksgiving dinners make for a noisy environment with many different conversations going on at the same time.   There is often sounds of plates being shuffled around, silverware clinging together, a kitchen fan humming in the background, and maybe some children running around the house laughing and playing.

Holiday parties with friends and family can feel overwhelming for loved ones with hearing loss. People with untreated hearing loss have reported feeling nervous to speak up in group settings out of fear that they may hear the wrong thing or not respond appropriately. Feeling lonely or isolated during a time of celebration with people you care about can make the holidays much less enjoyable. If you are concerned that you or someone at your Thanksgiving table could be experiencing hearing loss, you may find the tips below helpful for making the most of Thanksgiving this season.


  1. Wear your hearing aids. If you do not have hearing aids, it is recommended that you have a hearing screening by a professional and ask if they could help your hearing loss.
  2. Cut down the background noises like music, kitchen fan, or a TV.
  3. Remind your friends and family of your hearing loss so they know to speak up for you.
  4. Make sure you face people when you are speaking with them.

If you want to hear more this holiday, Purchase Ear Technology located at 2008 Broadway St in Paducah,  KY is here to help!  Give us a call at (270) 558-3996 to schedule an appointment.   At Purchase Ear Technology, Tim Harmon and his staff will make sure you know that you are more than a patient.  YOU ARE FAMILY!

Cleaning Hearing Aids Paducah

Over The Counter Hearing Aids?

Hearing aids and hearing health care has received quite a bit of media attention lately. This is because a law was recently passed that allows stores such as Walmart or CVS to sell hearing devices directly to the consumer without a fitting or hearing examination.  Hearing aids that can be purchased at a store or online without a medical professional present such as an Ear Nose & Throat physician, audiologist, or hearing aid specialist are called “Over-the-Counter hearing aids” or OTC’s. This device is different from a hearing aid obtained from a medical professional. A hearing aid obtained from a medical professional is referred to as a “Prescription Hearing Aid”.

An OTC hearing aid will be made available very soon. Anyone will be able to pick up a set of hearing aids at their local convenience store just like they would pick up a pair of simple reader glasses at CVS in the vision section. What makes the OTC hearing aid different from the prescription device is that a medical professional is not involved. What is worrying is that the advertisements already appear to promise the moon while neglecting to point out that many hearing losses actually require medical intervention. This may be delayed when a consumer buy an OTC product that they might not even need.

The consumer will be in charge of selecting, fitting and programming their own device. These devices are intended only for adults with a certain amount and type of hearing loss. Children and certain hearing losses can NOT and should NOT be fit with these devices for safety reasons. Another worry is the accuracy of a hearing test through a phone app or a website. These are not a replacement for an Audiologist’s diagnostic exam.

The first step in understanding if one may be a candidate for OTC hearing aids is to first speak with a hearing health care professional as not all hearing losses are the same. An audiologist can inform you if you are a candidate and if your hearing loss may be treated with medical intervention and not a hearing aid. All children under the age of 18 should only seek hearing health care from a professional.

OTC devices will be cheaper than prescription hearing aids but they will not be programmable by a professional. If you are experiencing issues with your OTC hearing aid the device manufacturer is required to provide an “email and mailing address that you can use to contact them. Manufacturers of OTC devices are NOT required to provide customer service for OTC devices over the phone”. A prescription hearing aid purchased from a hearing health care provider like Time Harmon at Purchase Ear Technology, includes the provider’s expertise, time, and services to assist patients with their devices both at the fitting and over time as their hearing changes.

Another key difference between OTC hearing aids and prescription hearing aids is the degree of hearing loss that they are capable of managing. OTC hearing aids “are for perceived mild to moderate hearing loss only, while prescription hearing aids can help with all types of hearing loss.” (Crouch, 2022 ). If your hearing loss is greater than mild to moderate a prescription hearing aid fit by a hearing healthcare professional is going to be the best option. If the hearing loss fits into the mild to moderate range however, is atypical in nature, an OTC device may not be the best choice for the patient and a prescription hearing aid should be obtained instead. No matter what type of hearing loss is present it should first be evaluated by a professional. Significant over amplification may lead to increased hearing loss over time.

All hearing losses should be managed and not ignored. Multiple studies “link untreated hearing loss with an increased risk of depression, falls, and earlier onset of decline in thought processes. One goal of OTC hearing aids is to provide more timely access to lower-cost hearing aids”. OTC devices are an excellent resource for certain individuals who are hearing impaired yet are not yet ready to invest in prescription hearing aids. If you would like to speak to one of our hearing health care professionals regarding your candidacy or to simply evaluate your hearing status simply contact us at Purchase Ear Technology in Paducah, KY by calling (270) 558-3996.

Purchase Ear Technology is conveniently located at 2008 Broadway St in Paducah, KY.  At Purchase Ear Technology, you are more than a patient.  YOU ARE FAMILY!