How To Properly Clean and Store Your Hearing Aids

Hearing aids play a significant role in enhancing the quality of life for individuals experiencing auditory loss. However, ensuring their optimal performance and longevity requires diligent hygiene and care practices. It’s crucial to note that these practices involve straightforward yet effective steps. Consulting an audiologist for concerns or queries is always recommended. Presented below is a detailed guide outlining the proper cleaning and storage of hearing aids.

Establishing a Cleaning Routine: Regular cleaning is essential to maintain the performance and longevity of your hearing aids. Begin by inspecting the devices for visible debris like earwax, dust, or moisture. Employ a soft, dry cloth or a hearing aid brush recommended by your audiologist to gently remove accumulated dirt. Pay close attention to the microphone, using a small brush or a tool provided by your audiologist to clean its ports. Take care not to insert the brush too deeply to avoid damaging delicate components.

Next, wipe the exterior of the hearing aids with a slightly damp cloth, ensuring moisture does not enter the device. For in-the-ear (ITE) hearing aids, it’s crucial to remove the earmold or dome and clean it separately using mild soap and warm water. Thoroughly rinse and dry it before reattaching it to the hearing aid to prevent water from seeping into internal parts.

Proper Handling and Storage: Handle your hearing aids gently and carefully to prevent accidental damage. Thoroughly wash your hands before touching the devices to avoid transferring dirt or oils. Additionally, protect your hearing aids from direct sunlight, which can harm the electronic components. When not in use, store your hearing aids in a clean, dry, and well-ventilated case provided by your audiologist. Opt for a case with tiny holes for ventilation, avoiding plastic cases that could generate heat and damage the devices. Avoid storing them in places prone to excessive moisture, such as bathrooms or kitchens. For rechargeable hearing aids, adhere to the manufacturer’s instructions for proper storage and charging.

Avoiding Water Exposure: Water can severely damage hearing aids, so it’s essential to keep them dry. Remove your hearing aids before activities involving water, such as showering, swimming, or water-related sports. If you live in a humid environment, consider using a dehumidifier or a recommended drying kit to remove excess moisture and prolong your hearing aids’ lifespan. If they do get wet, gently dry them with a soft cloth and allow them to air dry for several hours. Avoid using hairdryers, microwaves, or direct heat sources, as they can cause irreversible damage.

Regular Maintenance and Professional Check-Ups: Regular maintenance and professional check-ups are vital to ensuring optimal performance. Schedule regular appointments with your audiologist for professional cleaning, adjustment, and inspection of your hearing aids. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for battery replacement and avoid leaving old batteries inside your hearing aids for extended periods. If you notice any changes in sound quality, fit, or comfort, contact your audiologist promptly to address any issues before they worsen.

Stay Informed: Hearing aid technology continually advances, making it essential to stay educated and updated. Seek information from reputable audiology websites and blogs to make informed decisions and better care for your hearing aids. Engage in discussions and forums with fellow hearing aid users to share experiences and learn from one another. While gaining insights from these sources is valuable, always seek professional assistance rather than attempting hearing device repairs as a DIY project.

Let Us Help:  At Purchase Ear Technology in Paducah, KY, we are here to help!  Give us a call at (270) 558-3996 with all of your hearing aid questions.  Looking for new hearing aids?  Tim Harmon and his staff are ready to assist you.  Purchase Ear Technology is conveniently located at 2008 Broadway St in Paducah, KY.  At Purchase Ear Technology, you are more than a patient.  YOU ARE FAMILY!