How to Protect Your Hearing Aids in Stormy Weather

Hearing aids are essential devices for those who rely on them, enabling clear communication and enhancing quality of life. However, stormy weather can pose significant risks to these delicate devices. At Purchase Ear Technology, we understand the importance of keeping your hearing aids safe and functional, no matter the weather. Here are some tips on how to protect your hearing aids during stormy weather.

1. Keep Them Dry

Moisture is one of the biggest enemies of hearing aids. Rain, high humidity, and damp conditions can damage the electronics inside your hearing aids. Here’s how to keep them dry:

  • Use a Hearing Aid Umbrella: When heading out in the rain, wear a hat or use an umbrella to shield your hearing aids from getting wet.
  • Rain Covers: Consider using protective covers designed specifically for hearing aids. These can provide an extra layer of protection against moisture.
  • Waterproof Hearing Aids: If you live in an area with frequent storms, consider investing in waterproof hearing aids or water-resistant models for added peace of mind.

2. Store Them Safely

When a storm is imminent, it’s wise to store your hearing aids in a safe, dry place. Here are some storage tips:

  • Dehumidifiers: Use a hearing aid dehumidifier overnight to remove any moisture that may have accumulated during the day.
  • Drying Kits: Purchase a hearing aid drying kit, which can help keep your devices free from moisture.
  • Secure Containers: Keep your hearing aids in a secure, hard-shell case when not in use to protect them from accidental exposure to water.

3. Avoid Electrical Storms

Storms often come with lightning and power surges, which can be harmful to electronic devices, including hearing aids. Follow these precautions:

  • Unplug Charging Stations: If you use rechargeable hearing aids, unplug the charging station during electrical storms to prevent damage from power surges.
  • Turn Off Hearing Aids: If you’re caught in an electrical storm, consider turning off your hearing aids and storing them in their case until the storm passes.

4. Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance can help prevent moisture-related issues and ensure your hearing aids function correctly:

  • Clean Regularly: Clean your hearing aids according to the manufacturer’s instructions to remove dirt, earwax, and moisture.
  • Check for Damage: After exposure to stormy weather, inspect your hearing aids for any signs of moisture damage or corrosion.
  • Professional Check-ups: Schedule regular check-ups with your audiologist to ensure your hearing aids are in optimal condition.

5. Be Prepared with Backup Supplies

Stormy weather can sometimes lead to emergencies where you may not have access to your usual hearing aid care supplies. Be prepared with:

  • Backup Batteries: Keep a supply of extra batteries in a dry, accessible location.
  • Portable Chargers: For rechargeable hearing aids, have a fully charged portable charger available.
  • Emergency Kit: Create an emergency kit that includes cleaning tools, a drying kit, and a protective case.

6. Know Your Warranty

Familiarize yourself with the warranty and insurance coverage of your hearing aids. In case of damage caused by severe weather, it’s important to know what repairs or replacements are covered.

7. Stay Informed

Stay updated with weather forecasts and plan accordingly. If severe weather is expected, take extra precautions to protect your hearing aids from potential damage.


Protecting your hearing aids in stormy weather is crucial to ensure they continue to function effectively. By following these tips from Purchase Ear Technology, you can minimize the risk of damage and extend the life of your hearing aids. If you have any concerns or need professional advice on caring for your hearing aids, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to help you maintain the best hearing experience, no matter the weather.