This is a question that we hear a lot at Purchase Ear Technology. Hearing aids are just what the name implies: they are an aid to your hearing, not a cure. That is, they are sophisticated devices to help you to compensate for hearing loss and function well as a listener. Properly fitted hearing aids will not make your hearing worse, either. A trained audiologist will not fit you with a hearing aid that is too loud and poses potential hearing damage. All aids have a cut off level to protect the listener from excessive noise. Some people report that their hearing loss feels worse when they remove their hearing aids, compared to the hearing ability before the aids. That’s a common experience for a user who benefited from new amplification and now realizes how much they were missing before! Some hearing losses are progressive, so if you really feel your ability to hear has decreased, give us a call at (270) 558-3996 or stop by Purchase Ear Technology located at 2008 Broadway St, Paducah, KY or visit our website at