Reasons Your Should Wear Your Hearing Aids

Wearing hearing aids is essential for several reasons, and their importance cannot be overstated in enhancing the quality of life for individuals with hearing loss. Here are compelling reasons from Tim Harmon at Purchase Ear Technology, gives for why wearing hearing aids is crucial:

  1. Improved Communication: Hearing aids help bridge the communication gap that hearing loss creates. They amplify sounds, making it easier to understand speech, engage in conversations, and connect with loved ones. This improved communication fosters better relationships and reduces feelings of isolation.
  2. Enhanced Safety: Hearing aids are not only essential for social interactions but also for safety. They allow individuals to hear important auditory cues in their environment, such as sirens, alarms, and approaching vehicles, which can be vital for their safety.
  3. Mental Health Benefits: Untreated hearing loss has been linked to various mental health issues, including depression and anxiety. By wearing hearing aids, individuals can regain their ability to participate in social activities and enjoy life, reducing the risk of these mental health concerns.
  4. Cognitive Health: Recent research has shown a strong connection between untreated hearing loss and cognitive decline, including an increased risk of dementia. Wearing hearing aids can help individuals stay mentally sharp by providing auditory stimulation and reducing the cognitive load caused by straining to hear.
  5. Professional Success: Effective communication is crucial in the workplace. Wearing hearing aids can improve job performance, enhance relationships with colleagues and clients, and open up career opportunities that might otherwise be limited by hearing loss.
  6. Preservation of Relationships: Hearing loss can strain relationships as it often leads to miscommunication and frustration. By wearing hearing aids, individuals can maintain strong connections with friends and family, preventing the breakdown of relationships due to communication difficulties.
  7. Quality of Life: Hearing aids enable people to enjoy a fuller and more vibrant life. They can participate in social activities, enjoy music and entertainment, and engage in hobbies and interests without feeling left out or isolated.
  8. Prevention of Further Hearing Loss: Untreated hearing loss can worsen over time. Wearing hearing aids can help prevent further deterioration of hearing abilities by providing the auditory stimulation that the brain needs to maintain its functions.
  9. Customizable Solutions: Modern hearing aids come in various styles and are highly customizable to meet individual needs. They can adapt to different listening environments, making them versatile and effective in various situations.

In conclusion, wearing hearing aids is essential not only for addressing the physical aspect of hearing loss but also for improving emotional well-being, mental health, and overall quality of life. By seeking professional help and embracing hearing aids, individuals with hearing loss can regain the joy of hearing and actively engage in the world around them.

If you have questions or need to help with your hearing, give us a call at Purchase Ear Technology in Paducah, KY at (270) 558-3996.  Purchase Ear Technology is conveniently located at 2008 Broadway Street in Paducah, KY.  At Purchase Ear Technology, you are more than a patient.  YOU ARE FAMILY!

Here Comes Fall! Protect Your Hearing!

As the leaves start to change and the crisp, cool air of autumn fills the surroundings, it’s easy to forget that this season comes with its own set of challenges when it comes to protecting your hearing. While we often associate hearing protection with noisy environments like construction sites or concerts, the fall season presents unique risks that can affect your hearing health. Here are some tips on how to protect your hearing in the fall:

  1. Earplugs for Yard Work: Fall is the time for yard maintenance, which often involves using noisy equipment like leaf blowers and chainsaws. Protect your ears by wearing earplugs while operating these machines. Earplugs come in various shapes and sizes, including reusable options that are comfortable and effective.
  2. Limit Exposure to Leaf Blowers: Leaf blowers can produce noise levels exceeding 100 decibels, which is potentially harmful to your hearing. Whenever possible, choose manual alternatives like raking leaves, or opt for electric leaf blowers that tend to be quieter than gas-powered ones.
  3. Watch Out for Bonfires and Fireworks: Fall is known for bonfires and outdoor gatherings, which can involve loud music and fireworks. Maintain a safe distance from the sources of loud noise, or wear earmuffs or earplugs to reduce the impact on your hearing.
  4. Protect Your Ears from Wind Noise: Wind can create a significant amount of noise, especially when it rushes past your ears while cycling, jogging, or even just walking. Consider wearing wind-blocking earmuffs or earplugs to reduce wind noise and protect your ears from cold temperatures.
  5. Use Hearing Protection at Sporting Events: Fall is a popular time for sports events, including football games. These venues can get extremely loud, so bring earplugs with you or use noise-canceling headphones to enjoy the game without damaging your hearing.
  6. Stay Dry in the Rain: Wet ears are more prone to infection and can affect your hearing. Use waterproof hats or hoods to keep your ears dry when it’s raining, and if your ears do get wet, make sure to dry them thoroughly to avoid any complications.
  7. Stay Warm to Promote Blood Circulation: Cold weather can affect blood circulation in the ears, making them more susceptible to damage. Keep your ears warm with earmuffs, hats, or scarves to promote healthy blood flow.
  8. Limit the Use of Earbuds: When you want to listen to music or podcasts during your fall activities, try to limit the volume and duration of headphone use. Prolonged exposure to high-volume music through earbuds can cause hearing damage over time.
  9. Get Regular Hearing Checkups: Fall is a great time to schedule a hearing checkup with an audiologist. Regular screenings can help detect any early signs of hearing loss, allowing for timely intervention.

In conclusion, protecting your hearing during the fall season involves being mindful of the various activities and environmental factors that can impact your auditory health. By following these tips and taking proactive measures, you can enjoy all the beauty and excitement that autumn has to offer while preserving your precious sense of hearing. Remember, hearing protection should be a year-round commitment to ensure a lifetime of healthy hearing.

Time to have your hearing checked?  Give Tim Harmon and his staff at Purchase Ear Technology in Paducah a call today to schedule an appointment at (270) 558-3996.  Purchase Ear Technology is conveniently located at 2008 Broadway St in Paducah, KY.  At Purchase Ear Technology, you are more than a patient.  YOU ARE FAMILY!

Why Should You Care About Your Hearing (Other Than The Obvious Reason)

Hearing, one of the quintessential senses bestowed upon us, plays an irreplaceable role in our lives, connecting us to the world in profound ways. It is a miraculous and intricate mechanism that not only allows us to perceive sounds but also shapes our interactions, emotions, and overall well-being. The importance of hearing extends far beyond the ability to detect noises; it influences our communication, safety, cognitive development, and quality of life.

Communication is the cornerstone of human interaction, and hearing is at the heart of effective communication. Our ability to understand spoken language, the nuances of tone, pitch, and volume, enables us to engage in meaningful conversations, share ideas, and build relationships. From casual conversations with friends to vital professional exchanges, hearing is pivotal in conveying and interpreting information accurately. Hearing loss can lead to misunderstandings, isolation, and even contribute to mental health issues due to the loss of this crucial avenue of connection.

Beyond communication, hearing plays a pivotal role in ensuring our safety. The sound of a car honking, a doorbell ringing, or a fire alarm blaring serves as warning signals that prompt us to react swiftly to potential dangers. Our auditory system acts as a sentinel, alerting us to impending threats and allowing us to make split-second decisions that can save lives. Those with impaired hearing may face challenges in responding to such auditory cues, making them more vulnerable in hazardous situations.

From early childhood to adulthood, hearing profoundly impacts cognitive development. For children, the auditory experience is paramount for speech and language acquisition. The brain’s plasticity allows it to adapt and learn from the sounds it encounters, shaping the foundation of future linguistic and cognitive abilities. Hearing loss in children can hinder this development, potentially leading to delays in language acquisition and learning difficulties.

Moreover, hearing is intricately linked to our emotional well-being. Music, for instance, has the power to evoke a wide range of emotions, from joy to nostalgia to tranquility. The ability to appreciate the melodies, harmonies, and lyrics of songs enriches our lives and allows us to form deep emotional connections with artistic expression. Additionally, the voices of loved ones hold a special place in our hearts, comforting us and providing a sense of belonging. Hearing loss can diminish these emotional connections, leading to feelings of isolation and sadness.

Preserving our hearing health is thus of paramount importance. Regular hearing check-ups can help identify potential issues early, allowing for timely interventions and treatments. Protecting our ears from loud noises, using hearing protection in noisy environments, and adopting healthy listening practices when using headphones or earbuds are essential steps in maintaining our auditory well-being.

In conclusion, the significance of hearing cannot be overstated. It is a sensory treasure that not only enables us to engage with the world through communication and safety but also enriches our emotional experiences and cognitive development. Acknowledging the vital role hearing plays in our lives should prompt us to take proactive measures to protect and care for our auditory health. Embracing a lifestyle that values and prioritizes hearing will undoubtedly lead to a higher quality of life, enriched relationships, and a deeper connection to the symphony of sounds that surround us.


When is the last time you had your hearing tested?  Maybe it’s been a while.  Maybe you have never had your hearing tested.  Give Tim Harmon at Purchase Ear Technology a call at (270) 558-3996 to schedule an appointment today.  Purchase Ear Technology is conveniently located at 2008 Broadway St in Paducah, KY.  At Purchase Ear Technology, you are more than a patient.  YOU ARE FAMILY!

Rain And Your Hearing Aids

Lately, we have had more than out fair share of rain and thunderstorms in Western Kentucky and the surrounding region.

Experiencing the sudden splashing of water or an unexpected downpour while wearing hearing aids can be a cause for concern. However, it’s important to stay calm and take immediate action to mitigate potential damage. Hearing aids are delicate electronic devices that can be sensitive to moisture, so knowing how to handle wet hearing aids is crucial to their continued functionality. Here’s a comprehensive guide on what to do if your hearing aids get wet.

  1. Remove Them Quickly: The moment you realize your hearing aids have been exposed to moisture, remove them from your ears promptly. The longer the water sits on the devices, the greater the risk of damage. Use a clean, dry cloth to gently wipe off any visible moisture from the surface.
  2. Open the Battery Compartment: If your hearing aids have a battery compartment, open it to remove the battery. This helps prevent any residual power from causing short circuits and further damage.
  3. Dry Exterior: After removing the battery, gently pat the exterior of the hearing aids with a dry cloth. Be careful not to apply excessive pressure, as this could push water deeper into the device.
  4. Ventilation: Allow the hearing aids to air out and dry naturally. Placing them in a dry, well-ventilated area can help expedite the drying process. Avoid using heat sources such as hairdryers, ovens, or radiators, as excessive heat can damage the delicate components.
  5. Silica Gel Packs: Placing the hearing aids in a container with silica gel packs can help absorb moisture. Ensure the gel packs don’t come into direct contact with the devices to prevent any debris from getting inside.
  6. Avoid Rice: Despite popular belief, using rice to dry electronics is not recommended. Rice can leave tiny particles inside the device, leading to further damage.
  7. Dehumidifier: If you frequently find yourself in humid or wet environments, investing in a hearing aid dehumidifier can be beneficial. These devices are specifically designed to remove moisture and extend the lifespan of your hearing aids.
  8. Professional Inspection: After allowing your hearing aids to dry for at least 24 hours, reinsert the battery and see if they work. If you notice any issues – such as distorted sound, reduced volume, or non-functional buttons – it’s best to contact your hearing care professional. They can conduct a thorough inspection and make any necessary repairs.
  9. Avoid Future Incidents: To prevent future water-related mishaps, consider investing in waterproof or water-resistant hearing aids. These models are designed to withstand moisture to a certain extent. Additionally, you can use protective covers or sleeves to shield your hearing aids from rain, sweat, and other potential sources of moisture.
  10. Regular Maintenance: Even if your hearing aids haven’t been exposed to water, it’s important to maintain proper care. Wipe them down daily with a soft, dry cloth to remove sweat, dirt, and oil buildup. Clean the battery contacts regularly to ensure a proper connection.

In conclusion, encountering wet hearing aids doesn’t have to spell disaster if you act quickly and appropriately. Swiftly removing the battery, gently drying the exterior, and allowing them to air out are key steps to minimizing potential damage. Remember, prevention is always the best strategy. Be cautious around water sources and consider investing in hearing aids designed to withstand moisture if you’re frequently exposed to wet environments. Regular maintenance and a proactive approach will help ensure the longevity of your valuable hearing aids. If you’re ever unsure about how to handle wet hearing aids, don’t hesitate to seek guidance from your hearing care professional.

If you need assistance with your current hearing aids or perhaps you are looking for hearing aids for the first time, contact us at Purchase Ear Technology in Paducah, KY.  Purchase Ear Technology is conveniently located at 2008 Broadway Street in Paducah.  You can reach us by phone at (270) 558-3996.  At Purchase Ear Technology, you are more than a patient.  You are FAMILY!

Tips To Help Get Acclimated To New Hearing Aids

Getting used to new hearing aids can be a gradual process. Here are five tips to help you adapt to your new hearing aids more comfortably:

  1. Start Slowly: Don’t overwhelm yourself by wearing your hearing aids for extended periods right from the beginning. Begin with shorter sessions in quieter environments, and gradually increase the time as you become more comfortable. This allows your brain to adjust to the amplified sounds gradually.
  2. Stay Positive and Patient: It takes time for your brain to adapt to hearing aids, so be patient with yourself. There may be initial discomfort or frustration, but maintaining a positive attitude will help you persevere through the adjustment period.
  3. Practice Active Listening: Engage in active listening exercises to help your brain recognize and process sounds more efficiently. Start by listening to familiar sounds and gradually introduce new ones. Audiobooks, podcasts, and conversation partners can be helpful during this practice.
  4. Seek Support: Reach out to your audiologist or hearing aid specialist whenever you have questions or concerns. They can provide valuable guidance and make necessary adjustments to the settings of your hearing aids to improve your experience.
  5. Gradually Increase Sound Levels: Many modern hearing aids have adjustable settings. Initially, set the volume at a comfortable level and slowly increase it over time. Give yourself a chance to get used to each level before moving on to the next.

Bonus tip: Remember to maintain and clean your hearing aids regularly. Keeping them in good condition ensures optimal performance and prolongs their lifespan.

Remember, everyone’s adjustment period is unique, so don’t compare your experience with others. With time and practice, you’ll likely find that your new hearing aids greatly enhance your ability to communicate and enjoy the sounds around you.

If you or a loved one need to have your hearing tested, need new hearing aids or just need someone who can answer hearing aid questions for you, your friends at Purchase Ear Technology in Paducah, KY are ready to help.  We are conveniently located at 2008 Broadway Street in Paducah, KY.  Give us a call today at (270) 558-3996.  At Purchase Ear Technology, you are more than a patient.  YOU ARE FAMILY!

Purchase Ear Technology - Hearing Aids

How To Encourage A Loved One To Get Hearing Aids

Encouraging someone to get hearing aids can be a sensitive topic, as hearing loss can be a gradual and sometimes emotionally challenging experience. However, helping someone realize the benefits of hearing aids and supporting them through the process can significantly improve their quality of life. Here are some strategies to encourage someone to consider getting hearing aids:

  1. Empathize and Listen: Start by empathizing with the person and acknowledging the challenges they might be facing due to their hearing loss. Be a good listener and allow them to express their feelings and concerns about getting hearing aids. Understanding their perspective will help you tailor your approach to their specific needs.
  2. Educate Them on the Benefits: Many people may not fully comprehend the advantages of hearing aids. Explain how hearing aids can enhance their overall well-being by improving communication, social interactions, and safety. Share success stories of others who have benefited from using hearing aids, and highlight how they can regain lost connections and experiences.
  3. Accompany Them to a Hearing Evaluation: Offer to accompany the individual to a hearing evaluation conducted by a qualified audiologist. A professional evaluation will determine the extent of their hearing loss and whether hearing aids are appropriate for their situation. Being there to support them during this process can provide reassurance and reduce any anxiety they may have.
  4. Address Concerns and Misconceptions: Some individuals may have misconceptions or fears about wearing hearing aids, such as discomfort or aesthetics. Address these concerns and explain that modern hearing aids are discreet, comfortable, and come with various features to suit different lifestyles.
  5. Emphasize Independence and Safety: Highlight the importance of maintaining independence and safety, especially in daily activities and emergency situations. Hearing aids can help individuals stay aware of their surroundings, improving their ability to hear alarms, doorbells, and approaching vehicles.
  6. Include Family and Friends: Enlist the support of family members and close friends to encourage the person to consider hearing aids. A united front can demonstrate the collective concern for their well-being and the desire to see them fully engaged in life.
  7. Offer Trial Periods: Some people may be hesitant to commit to hearing aids without experiencing them firsthand. Encourage them to try a trial period with hearing aids to see how they adapt to the amplification and how it positively impacts their daily life.
  8. Patience and Support: Be patient throughout the process, as it may take time for someone to accept the idea of wearing hearing aids. Offer ongoing support, answer any questions they have, and celebrate their progress as they become more comfortable with the idea of using hearing aids.

Remember that the decision to get hearing aids is a personal one, and individuals should feel empowered to make the choice that feels right for them. By providing understanding, education, and encouragement, you can help someone with hearing loss take positive steps towards a better hearing experience and improved overall well-being.

If you are your loved one are thinking about hearing aids, give Tim Harmon and his staff at Purchase Ear Technology a call.  We show the love, compassion and understanding with everyone just as we would our own family. Purchase Ear Technology is conveniently located at 2008 Broadway St in Paducah, KY.  You can reach us by phone at (270) 558-3996.   At Purchase Ear Technology, you are more than a patient.  You are FAMILY!

Traveling with hearing aids

Tips For Traveling With Hearing Aids

It’s summer and many of our friends and family will be traveling for a summer vacation.  Traveling with hearing aids can be a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be. By following these tips, you can make sure that your hearing aids are safe and that you can enjoy your trip without any problems.

1. Pack your hearing aids and accessories in your carry-on luggage.

This is the most important tip. You don’t want to risk losing or damaging your hearing aids in the checked luggage. Pack all of your hearing aid supplies, including batteries, cleaning tools, and accessories, in your carry-on bag.

2. Wear your hearing aids through security.

You don’t need to take your hearing aids out at the airport security checkpoint. The metal detectors will not harm your hearing aids. However, if you have a hearing aid with a metal detector loop, be sure to tell the security agent so they can use the loop to test your hearing aids.

3. Bring extra batteries.

It’s a good idea to bring extra batteries for your hearing aids when you travel. You may use your hearing aids more than usual while you’re on vacation, so it’s important to be prepared.

4. Keep your hearing aids clean.

Even if you don’t normally clean your hearing aids every day, it’s a good idea to do so more often while you’re traveling. This will help to prevent earwax and other debris from building up in your hearing aids, which can lead to problems.

5. Use a dehumidifier.

If you’re traveling to a humid climate, it’s a good idea to use a dehumidifier to keep your hearing aids dry. This will help to prevent moisture from building up in your hearing aids, which can damage them.

6. Sign up for text alerts from your airline.

This is a helpful tip for all travelers, but it’s especially important for people with hearing loss. By signing up for text alerts, you’ll be notified of any changes to your flight schedule, gate assignments, or other important information. This will help you to stay informed and avoid any delays or inconveniences.

7. Talk to your hearing aid provider.

If you have any questions or concerns about traveling with your hearing aids, be sure to talk to your hearing aid provider. They can give you specific advice based on your individual needs.

Following these tips will help you to have a safe and enjoyable trip with your hearing aids. With a little planning, you can ensure that your hearing aids will work perfectly no matter where you go.

Here are some additional tips to keep in mind when traveling with hearing aids:

  • If you’re going to be in a noisy environment, such as a concert or sporting event, consider bringing a noise-canceling headset or earplugs.
  • If you’re going to be swimming, be sure to wear waterproof hearing aids or a swim cap to protect your hearing aids from water damage.
  • If you’re going to be traveling in a foreign country, be sure to learn a few basic phrases in the local language so you can ask for help if you need it.

With a little planning and preparation, you can travel with your hearing aids without any problems.

If you have questions or would like to schedule an appointment, give us a call at Purchase Ear Technology in Paducah by calling (270) 558-3996.  Purchase Ear Technology is conveniently located at 2008 Broadway St in Paducah, KY.  At Purchase Ear Technology, you are more than a patient.  You are FAMILY!

Keeping Your Hearing Aids In Good Shape During The Summer

Summer is a wonderful time of the year when people can enjoy the outdoors, take vacations, and engage in various recreational activities. However, if you wear hearing aids, it’s essential to take extra care to ensure they remain in good shape throughout the summer months. Heat, humidity, water exposure, and sweat can potentially damage your hearing aids if proper precautions aren’t taken. Here are some tips to help you keep your hearing aids in excellent condition during the summer:

  1. Protect from moisture: Moisture can be a significant concern during the summer, especially in humid environments. Excessive moisture can damage the delicate electronic components of your hearing aids. Consider using a hearing aid dehumidifier or drying kit overnight to remove any accumulated moisture. Additionally, avoid exposing your hearing aids to water sources such as swimming pools, lakes, or the ocean. If you do engage in water-related activities, make sure to remove your hearing aids beforehand and store them in a safe and dry place.
  2. Shield from direct sunlight: Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight and high temperatures can harm your hearing aids. Heat can affect the battery life, reduce sound quality, and even warp the plastic components. Always store your hearing aids in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight. Consider using a protective case or storage box to shield them from excessive heat when you’re not using them.
  3. Use sweat-resistant covers: Sweating is common during the summer, especially when engaging in physical activities. Sweat can seep into your hearing aids and cause damage. To protect them, consider using sweat-resistant covers or sleeves specifically designed for hearing aids. These covers can help absorb moisture and prevent it from reaching the delicate components.
  4. Clean and maintain regularly: Regular cleaning and maintenance are crucial for the optimal functioning of your hearing aids. During the summer, it’s essential to pay extra attention to cleanliness, as sweat, dirt, and debris can accumulate more easily. Wipe your hearing aids daily with a soft, dry cloth to remove any moisture or residue. Use a small brush or specialized cleaning tool to clean the microphone ports and other small crevices. Avoid using water or cleaning solutions unless recommended by your hearing healthcare professional.
  5. Stay mindful of outdoor activities: When participating in outdoor activities, be mindful of your hearing aids. If you’re playing sports, hiking, or engaging in other physical activities, it’s a good idea to remove your hearing aids and store them safely. High-impact activities can dislodge or damage the devices. Additionally, be cautious when applying sunscreen, insect repellent, or other topical products to avoid getting them on your hearing aids.
  6. Schedule regular check-ups: Summer is an excellent time to schedule a check-up with your hearing healthcare professional. They can inspect your hearing aids, clean them thoroughly, and make any necessary adjustments. Regular maintenance appointments can help catch any issues early on and ensure that your hearing aids are functioning optimally throughout the summer.

By following these tips, you can keep your hearing aids in good shape and enjoy all that summer has to offer without compromising your hearing. Remember to take precautions to protect your hearing aids from moisture, excessive heat, and physical activities. When in doubt, consult with your hearing healthcare professional for specific recommendations tailored to your hearing aids and individual needs. With proper care, your hearing aids will continue to provide you with clear and amplified sound, allowing you to fully experience the joys of the summer season.

Have questions?  Need additional information on hearing aids.  Your friends at Purchase Ear Technology in Paducah are ready to help.  We are conveniently located at 2008 Broadway in Paducah, KY.  Give us a call at (270) 558-3996.  At Purchase Ear Technology, you are more than a patient. You are FAMILY!

Hearing Test Paducah KY

The Importance Of Having Your Hearing Tested

Having your hearing tested is of utmost importance for several reasons. Here are some compelling reasons why regular hearing tests should be a priority:

  1. Early Detection of Hearing Loss: Hearing loss often develops gradually, and individuals may not even realize they are experiencing it. Regular hearing tests can detect hearing loss at its early stages, allowing for timely intervention and management. Early detection enables individuals to take proactive steps to address their hearing health, preventing further deterioration and enhancing their overall quality of life.
  2. Prevention and Treatment of Communication Difficulties: Hearing loss can significantly impact communication abilities. Difficulties in understanding speech, participating in conversations, and engaging with others can lead to feelings of isolation, frustration, and reduced social interaction. By having regular hearing tests, potential hearing loss can be identified early, and appropriate interventions, such as hearing aids or assistive listening devices, can be recommended. These interventions can effectively enhance communication abilities and restore the ability to connect with others.
  3. Preservation of Cognitive Function: Numerous studies have shown a link between hearing loss and cognitive decline, including an increased risk of conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. By detecting and addressing hearing loss early on, the risk of cognitive decline can be reduced. Maintaining good hearing health through regular testing and appropriate interventions can help individuals stay mentally sharp and maintain their cognitive abilities as they age.
  4. Overall Well-being and Quality of Life: Hearing loss can have a profound impact on an individual’s overall well-being and quality of life. It can lead to feelings of frustration, stress, and even depression. It may also impact job performance, academic achievements, and personal relationships. Regular hearing tests allow for timely identification and management of hearing issues, improving overall well-being and enabling individuals to actively engage in various aspects of life without limitations.

In conclusion, having your hearing tested is vital for early detection of hearing loss, prevention of communication difficulties, preservation of cognitive function, and overall well-being. By prioritizing regular hearing tests, individuals can take control of their hearing health and seek appropriate interventions that can significantly improve their quality of life.

If you have not had your hearing tested in recent years, maybe it is time.  Give Tim Harmon and his staff at Purchase Ear Technology a call at (270) 558-3996 to schedule an appointment.  Purchase Ear Technology is conveniently located at 2008 Broadway St in Paducah, KY.  At Purchase Ear Technology, you are more than a patient.  You are FAMILY!

Paducah Hearing Aids

What You Should Know About Your First Hearing Aids

The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders reports, “About 28.8 million U.S. adults could benefit from using hearing aids.” But despite this high number, only about one in five people who could benefit from hearing aids actually wears them, according to the Hearing Loss Association of America.

If you’re ready to make the investment in hearing aids or you already have, below we review what to know, what to expect and how to get the most out of them.

You’ll Have Several Visits with Your Audiologist

Unfortunately, it’s rarely as easy as getting fit with your hearing aids during your initial visit and finding sounds come through perfectly. Instead, you should plan to have several visits with your audiologist. This is because when you first had your hearing tested, you were in a soundproof booth, but listening situations are more complex in the real world. You’ll likely find that you need the programming to be tweaked a few times until you can hear well with ease in complex environments.

Wear Both of Them

If you’ve been fit with two hearing aids, it’s important that when you’re wearing them, you put both in. This is because they’ve been calibrated to be worn together, and wearing both can help you localize sounds better.

Start with a Short Amount of Time

If it took you a while to treat your hearing loss, your brain will need time to re-learn how to processes all the new sounds you’re hearing with hearing aids. During this adjustment period, we recommend wearing your hearing aids for just an hour or two a day at first and slowly working up to wearing them during all waking hours. This way you won’t be overwhelmed or want to give up on your new hearing aids.

You May Need to Adjust to the Sound of Your Own Voice

Many people find that they don’t enjoy hearing the sound of their own voice when they first start wearing hearing aids. This is because they’re used to hearing their voice through bone conduction, which makes it sound deeper and richer than it actually is. With hearing aids, you hear it mostly through air conduction. Fortunately, after a few weeks your voice should sound normal to you again.

Talk To Tim Harmon At Purchase Ear Technology

If you are ready to talk about hearing aids, we hope you will contact us at Purchase Ear Technology in Paducah, KY.  Tim Harmon and our staff have the experience to help you find the best hearing aids for YOU and can help you adjust to the new-found joy of hearing again.  Purchase Ear Technology is conveniently located at 2008 Broadway St in Paducah, KY.  Give us a call at (270) 558-3996 for more information or to schedule an appointment.  At Purchase Ear Technology, you are more than a patient.  YOU ARE FAMILY!